> Enter text here. > Enter text here.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An earnest attempt at self-motivation

I really need to get on this shit. Perhaps my sense of dread is a sign about my future?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Who's excited to see Biden whoop Palin during the VP Debate on Thursday? I am!


i have a bad feeling in my stomach about what is happening in the economy right now...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

American Psycho Broadway Style

I wonder if there will be a Phil Collins Song in this

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A fun mad-lib?

Today I went grocery shopping. On my way home, I saw a man standing on a corner waving a sign at cars that said "Abortion kills [noun]." I was driving, so I didn't catch the bottom. You can fill it in as you desire. I like "Christians," personally, but I'm an optimist.

As most of my acquaintances know, I am unflinchingly pro-choice, in all situations, the end. Seeing this guy made me wish a little bit that I still had those giant "Vote Pro-Choice" signs so I could stand on the corner opposite him and balance things out a little bit. It also raised my heart rate a tad, but I just went home.

It did, however, trigger a memory that I now realize is my earliest memory of having an opinion about this issue. I didn't know the term "pro-choice," and I probably barely understood what abortion was, but looking back, even if I couldn't name it, that was it.

I was on the school bus home. I was sitting with a girl named Jessica somebody who lived a few houses down from my grandparents. We were friends for part of elementary school. I remember it was close to election time, and it was definitely a Clinton election. So I'm guessing it was his second term in 1996. Somehow, as unlikely as it sounds that ten-year-olds would be discussing politics, it came up.

Jessica said (obviously regurgitated from her parents) that Clinton was bad because he was for abortion. She explained that abortion is where a woman is pregnant and someone gives her a shot or a pill (inaccurate, but prophetic) or something and it kills the baby. My approximate response was, "Only if that's what you want. It's not like he wants to do that to everybody."

Even at ten, it seemed perfectly reasonable to me that someone might get pregnant by mistake, and might choose not to actually have the child. Not just reasonable, intuitive. I don't know where I got that attitude; it isn't as if my parents were terribly forthcoming about sexuality or pregnancy or politics. But it was there, and it hasn't wavered.

So, vote pro-choice.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm a nerd.

I love language. That's no secret. I'm going to make it my beeswax to use the following archaic/obsolete/unusual words more often, and perchance inspire a language revolution?

methinks: I think, it seems to me
mayhap/perchance: perhaps, it may happen, possibly
overmorrow: day after tomorrow [from German übermorgen--extraordinarily useful. we need a word like this]
verily: in fact, certainly
usward: toward us
flibbertigibbet: flighty, gossipy, whimsical person [admittedly, I'm just very partial to this word]
penultimate: next-to-last. [I learned this word first in Spanish (penúltimo, and also antepenúltimo, next-to-next-to-last). Apparently, there's also preantepenultimate, three from the end.]

Please add to my list. If you want.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

google ads....

I don't know how google ads works per se. I always believed it was something relative to the topic matter or of the same genre of the page in question.
Now the question is, does google think our blog is, um lacking something. True the female posters out number the male, but really? I didnt know we needed " enlargement". I dont think I need this right now , thanks google. I really dont feel the need to be "Shocked" right now, I got enough going on in my life. Less shock would be helpful, do you have something to help that? Maybe we should keep using words like douche- because it will make it more feminine. In all honesty, I found this to be quite amusing. I can't wait to see breast pumps or tampon ads. OOh maybe a swedish maid penis enlarger pump:P
* ps * when once posted, the ads, were still the same

Science (fiction)

Last night, in the wee hours of the morning (when else?) there was a 1995 X-Files episode on Scifi featuring a younger and adorably disheveled Tony Shalhoub as a physicist researching dark matter with a particle collider. I can't imagine that this was a coincidence, as CERN's LHC went online yesterday. Since reading this book, I am kind of excited to see what is and isn't found at the LHC.

In the episode, Shalhoub's character accidentally got locked in the room with the colliding particles, and he survived, but his shadow was burned onto the wall where he stood (think There Will Come Soft Rains). From then on, Tony Shalhoub's shadow, whether cast on a wall or the floor, instantly incinerated anyone who "contacted" it. Meaning, if his shadow's on the floor and your foot gets in the way, you're a goner.

X Files =/= the Twilight Zone, but it was cool.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sim City Shanghai

This is crazy! Lets see what else cheap, talented labor from China can do. For more info, check out FlowingData.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Poor, poor Jesus.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just doing my part...

I pretty much hate politics pundits these days.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Maybe there is justice in the world?

This made me feel warm and fuzzy inside to read. Via this.

Who knew Enzyte came from Cincy? It fucking figures Ohio would be involved somehow.

comments and tags

im a firm believer in both
so do as much as possible