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Friday, April 18, 2008

Spread Freedom and Democracy

The Zimbabwe Crisis Continues
So here's a chance for our freedom and liberty and brotherhood and democracy president to do something good for the world and leave an existing system that would probably work (they have a new leader elected already). Bush remains remarkably complacent.

I've been interested in African politics/economics for a while now, and every time something like this happens (which is fairly often if you listen closely enough) my heart sinks a little. There's been people around that say Africa is a lost continent, which is not a sentiment I share. But like most ideas I've encountered, I can understand why someone would be lead to that conclusion. Once Africa becomes a net contributor to world GDP on a non-monoculture (generally oil) basis, we will all be better off. It will bring a new level of stability and peace to a very large segment of the world, and encourage the investments of Americans in a very underdeveloped part of the world, probably resulting in a very large payoff for those who choose to get in early. In all likelyhood, the change will take place following the current Asian development, but who knows for sure.

Anyways, I found this just before hand via Pharyngula. I'm still looking for a connection, but perhaps the two apexes serve their own purposes sufficiently by themselves.

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