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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Its all in the Titles

So i was looking at the tv today,on the second channel of abc, ( the weather / news update thing). its cold and rainy looking outside, but the radar showed nothing. This did not grab my attention. Two "breaking" stories on the bottom of the screen did however.
Arrest made in Rage against the Vending Machine. Pretty weak joke if you ask me, and also
Tree grows in Man's Lung
something tells me that this is more important than vandalism at a vending machine, hmm wait, its Russia.
Also, little fish was found dead this morning. I never got a chance to get him some medicine, nor a name.


alm said...

"Tree Grown in Man's Lung" is an excellent headline.

I'm sorry for your loss...I can't help but think that "Little Fish Found Dead This Morning" is equally newsworthy.

wingsofadove said...

its ok, he was cute, with spots and spunky till sunday,
but the pet store gave me a new fish for free/ and stuff to keep the old fish and new fish healthier- lets see how it works

have you looked at the pics, its totally creepy. also, ew!

rubenssw said...

So, my childhood fear of swallowing a watermelon seed and having one grow in my stomach has been pretty much realized.

Also, I would have totally done the same thing with the vending machine. I just wouldn't have gotten caught . . .

Also, I'm terribly sorry about your little nameless fishy. I think Sophy is behind it.