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Thursday, June 19, 2008

An Odd Question

So, today I had an interesting experience. This may be a bit too much information, but I'll tell you all anyway.

Okay, so I put a dollar in my sweater pocket to buy a drink from the vending machine that happens to be in the creepiest office basement ever. On my way down, I decide to make a pit stop. I go to the bathroom (details are irrelevant, but if you want to know how it went, note me sub rosa), and as I stand up, the dollar falls out of my pocket and into the toilet . . .

Predicament, right? Not really, it was just a dollar, but it was sad to watch it go, literally, down the shitter. A Coke didn't sound too good after that.

Needless to say, this event happened to spark the question: What is the lowest priced bill you would save from an unflushed toilet, using bare hands?

Your philosophies matter to me.


alm said...

Below is my dad's answer. It's much more interesting than anything I would come up with...He said:

Regardless what bill I had dropped in the toilet, I'd throw a twenty dollar bill in with them to make it worthwhile, and then fish them all out.

David Zwerdling said...

It's times like this I wish we had a 50¢ bill.

wingsofadove said...

see, its horribly creepy, but its a public toilet- thats my beef. no matter what you did, you dont know what was recently there.
if it was my toilet, only if i had rubber gloves, bleach, and access to spend it right away- i dont want to keep a urine dollar
im not going near there for any poo
ive cleaned up enough shit for money- literally