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Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Abortion, how I love your never-ending controversy.

No God for you, silly Obama voter!
Did someone say something about the separation of church and state?


rubenssw said...

I guess this means I really am going to hell.


wingsofadove said...

"Father Newman is off-base," said Steve Krueger, national director of Catholic Democrats. "He is acting beyond the authority of a parish priest to say what he did. ... Unfortunately, he is doing so in a manner that will be of great cost to those parishioners who did vote for Sens. Obama and Biden. There will be a spiritual cost to them for his words."

look it is possible, you can be catholic and democratic. This guy is trying to equate a vote for your chief of state as a sin- if you do not chose the one he likes. Yes the Church is very "pro -life" but clearly so is Obama, a father of 2, who we know respects the elderly, ( ie his grandmother) Policy choices for the whole of the state should not apply to the individuals religious affiliations.

alm said...

HAHAHA yes. This should happen more often. Let the more moderate religious whackjobs learn exactly how batshit crazy their whackjob religious leaders are.

wingsofadove said...

i dont associate religious beliefs with wackjobbity :)
i do associate it with faith, be that faith be part gullibility or lack of real introduction to other ideas; schools of thought or other religions. mostly i find the idea of faith in religion equal with faith in science or reason. it is our thoughts that make scientific experiments makes sense, or laws of nature. its the same use of understanding in my mind.

alm said...

Reason demands that people observe the world and draw conclusions about it on their own, using logic. Science is simply the name we ascribe to the process of doing exactly that.

Religion demands that people believe because they have been told to, either by parents or a book or some clergy person's interpretation of a book. Religion requires that one believes in something in spite of any evidence to the contrary. Religion requires a person to accept and adopt as his or her own a set of beliefs that he or she did not generate, but was given.

Science does not ascribe moral value to its conclusions; religion does. Science only accepts as fact those ideas that have been tested repeatedly over time and are found to be unchanging. However, science is adaptable. Theories are revised, hypotheses are disproven; science contains the possibility of being wrong as well as right. Religion believes itself to be right and compels its adherents to believe the same because it cannot be proven or disproven.

Science does not require your faith, only your ability to think.

alm said...

I didn't mean that to be forceful AT you, Steph.

wingsofadove said...

i agree with what you said with religion and science
i still think faith is different
cant explain it now, will add later.:)
or maybe im confusing a maveling of the universe, nature, and the "good" nature of humanity with my idea of faith
hmmm something to ponder....