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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh my Blog!

there was a huge creationist/ atheist debate over the weekend, here in cicny, and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW!
for those that don't know the Cincinnati Zoo wanted to do a sales promotion for the holidays with the Creation Museum, i.e. buy tixs to both at a reduced price, something they do with the Reds, ect.
then the internets got a hold of this news. Blogs and email crusades followed, resulting in the deal not going forward.


rubenssw said...

Why did either want to partner with each other??

And to whats-his-face who started the Creation Museum: We don't dislike you because you're Christian. We dislike you because you decided to start a museum based on fairy tales and charge people $5 to see a bunch of pseudo science.

Although, while I appreciate the Zoo's scientific goal, I can't say I support them much, either. I've visited on field trips multiple times, and I remember once I cried when I saw how the elephants were chained to concrete floors and hardly able to turn around.

But, yeah. Bad idea, guys.

Ashley G said...

Such an angry letter from someone who cannot spell "Cincinatti"... also, are we really still calling evolution a theory? Really? I thought a large portion of the religious sect were at least noting intelligent design. I thought we were moving towards a happy (if not begrudgingly acknowledged by both sides) medium.

alm said...

This was a good idea to exactly the same people who think we should "teach the controversy" (i.e. allow non-scientific mythology to nudge its way into science classes so as not to offend the delicate constitutions of the religious whackjobs) in schools. To some, a "balanced" perspective is seeing some approximation of science PLUS the anti-science of the creation museum. Cause then they annihilate each other.

David Zwerdling said...

Guys, guys, guys... I'm ashamed of you all! Seriously, you just need to read the bibble to find all of this out. its all there, i assure you. it clearly everything everything. ever. clearly.

wingsofadove said...

i actually went to the zoo on saturday, and the animals on display had pretty large areas versus what they used to have. I have always loved the zoo. and while i do feel sad for the penned up creatures, i also feel, they have no predators or should fear for safety/ food. yes this is a weak argument for why i enjoy zoos, mostly i think i get a huge thrill to see animals up close and not running away from me- unless they are a peacock:P