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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I am spreading good cheer?

I had to watch this video as a "training." I mean, I was supposed to watch the "preview" video online and record in my service log the time it took me to watch it. I think I got about seven minutes into it before I wanted to punch that guy in the face and curse at my boss for sending me the link. Am I that much of a cynic? Why does this video make me so angry? Is it the sweeping emotional language, or the footage that looks like a christian inspirational CD commercial? (Experiment: if you watch any of it, replace "National Geographic" with "Jesus" or "The Good Book" and see what happens.) Is it the bursting-at-the-seams, restrained passion with which this man tells me, in far too many words, to alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife, accentuatethepositiveeliminatethenegative, or the hushed awe he wants me to feel for the glass-is-half-full world in which he is privileged to live?

His message isn't that bad. Look for the possibility in life, keep an open mind. I like National Geographic. I like the photography.

Then it hit me: This guy is peddling his clichéd outlook on life for $800.00. Eight Hundred Dollars. Celebrate what's right with the world, indeed! Maybe he's completely in earnest, and he found an outlook on life that works for him. Congratulations, you've found the meaning of your life, but is step 2 to package it and "slap in on a plastic lunchbox" and charge $800 for a dvd and a powerpoint presentation and a reminder card to keep in your goddamn wallet? What the hell is the matter with these people? I guess if you're too busy looking for all the goodly, positive possibilities, you notice it less when a snake oil salesman tries to sell you happiness and robs you blind.

"Underneath every cynic is a disappointed idealist."


rubenssw said...

(First let me say that as a subscriber and avid reader of National Geographic, I have to say I've never noticed the magazine being all about "celebrating what's right with the world." Their cover stories tend to be very dark indeed, with topics ranging from epidemic obesity to cold-blooded murders of endangered silverback gorillas and the general destruction of wild animals and their habitats through human driven war and greed.)

This reminds me of the Jim Cunningham shit in Donnie Darko, with the "live without fear" and "love will save you" stuff. (I feel that I should point out that this guy turns out to be a pedophile . . .)

I couldn't watch very much of this, since the video kept stalling for long periods of time, but I think what I saw was enough. And to charge $800 for it? A 22-minute video about a guy who has probably seen no true horror in his life? Of course you can celebrate what's right, Dewitt, you're a filthy rich photographer who lives in Hawaii and takes pictures of gorgeous landscapes and friendly people!

David Zwerdling said...

i didn't watch the video yet, but reading amanda's summary totally put me on a Donnie Darko wavelength.


wingsofadove said...

"slap on a plastic lunchbox, and now were selling now were selling it, What you call progression, i call the rape of the natural world"

alm said...

I love you guys. A lot.