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Monday, February 23, 2009

In Which A Young Man Tries To Pick Me Up At A Library.

Today, a young man tried [failed] to "pick me up," as they say, at a library. For reals.

1. That never happens.

2. It's a library.

3. I will forever associate this memory with Love in the Time of Cholera. [the book I was trying very hard to read]

It begs the question [sidebar: I recently found a web page entirely devoted to preserve the original meaning of "beg the question" which is not at all how I used it just now. see http://begthequestion.info/] : Any bad pickup stories? Ladies? Or gentleman? Out with it!


David Zwerdling said...

was he hot? (or hott as it were?)

alm said...

It seems rude and judgmental to answer that question with such finality, but I'd be lying if I didn't respond with a resounding "no." However, he seemed like a nice young man.

wingsofadove said...

bad pick up story-
las vegas party- random bald guy- " wanna go home with me"
me- "no" skips off with another beer in hand from cooler

rubenssw said...

I've been on the receiving end of three memorable pick-up attempts:

1. At King's Island a few years ago, I was walking by a line for a roller coaster with some friends. It was dark, so I couldn't really see the hand that reached out from the line to stroke my face. Yes, the guy brushed the tips of his fingers across my forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, and chin before saying, "Hey, I'm Tom. Wanna wait with me?" He was really cute, but I was pretty freaked out that someone would do something like that, so I just walked away. I washed my face pretty thoroughly that night.

2. At Steak 'n Shake, about a year after that first occurrence, my friends and I were sitting behind two 40-ish-year-old men. We noticed that one of them was staring pretty intently at us, and that the other one would turn around every once in a while. Because I like to make pedophiles feel bad when I can, I asked them loudly and assertively to stop staring at us. They didn't, of course, but finally left the restaurant. When my friends and I went to the cashier to pay our bill, we were told it had already been taken care of by the creeptastic sickos who had been staring at us. It was weird, but, we're in high school and have no money, so it's ok. That is, until we walk outside and see the two men standing at the door and waiting for us. "You girls goin' anywhere tonight?" they asked. We said nothing and walked away as quickly as we could. They reminded us that they had paid for our dinner and that we should give them something in exchange. Just then, a police cruiser shows up, and an officer walks up to the men and arrests them for apparently doing the same thing to another group of girls who had called the cops.

3. Most recently, at Target, I was browsing through the music section. A guy my age comes up to me and says, "I like a girl with good taste in music." I tell him that I like a guy who doesn't try to pick up girls at Target.

rubenssw said...

I suppose #2 isn't really a pick-up attempt, but more like an illegal attempt to have sex with 16-year-olds. Oh well. There it is.

Also, I think you should provide details, Amanda. :)

alm said...

1. Sara wins. Your stories > my story.

2. Which Steak n Shake?? I'll bet I've been there, and I just want to set the scene correctly in my mind.

3. Details: I was sitting in the library at a table engrossed in a book. He asked me if I minded if he sat down. I thought he just wanted to share the table, and I really didn't mind. My cell phone was on the table.
him: Is that cricket or t-mobile?
me: verizon
him: verizon rips people off...blah blah

I could have walked away from him at any moment, but fuck him, I was there first. Also, it's a LIBRARY. I shan't sport with your intelligence by relating the conversation in full, but he did, in fact, say these things at various points in the conversation:

-You're cute.
-You have pretty eyes.

him: If you're looking for a real man, come to me.
[here, I snorted. possibly a mistake]
him: why'd you giggle?
me: I don't even know what that means.
him: blah blah something about treating women right and being a gentleman.

he asked me what i thought of chris brown or somebody beating up rhianna or somebody. I said, "I don't think anyone should beat anyone up." Because I don't know who those people are.

later, i told him I just wanted to read my book and he settled down, until

him: do you like me:
me: I'm not interested in finding someone to date.
him: that's fine. what do you think of me?
me: you seem nice.
him: that's good.

I left a few minutes later.

alm said...

Also, I admire you for saying, "I like a guy who doesn't try to pick up girls at Target."

It's the sort of thing I can never say, though I wish I could. I always assume good faith and wish I hadn't.

Ashley G said...

As a was promised a hilarious tale, I want those random details from this random man.

rubenssw said...

1. I disagree. Your story had me laughing pretty hard.

2. The one at Union Center.

wingsofadove said...

we shoulda soooo gone there, so you could have been there amanda, if only it wasnt ballsfreezing cold!
i blame you sara, you have the power of the choice of restaurant

wingsofadove said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rubenssw said...

Excuse me, but I do believe that responsibility was forced upon me as punishment for winning some sick and twisted number game. Also, I had no effing clue that pick-up attempts would be the subject of any discussion following that evening. But now I'm in the mood for Steak ' Shake. Perhaps we can all go there and I can map out for you exactly what went down on that fateful evening.

wingsofadove said...

i'm in! what are you doing next weekend?? can we, um "pay" for your dinner?:P

alm said...

I've been to that Steaknshake, thankyouverymuch. I have slightly better memories of it, though.