> Enter text here. > Enter text here.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

sorry sorry sorry

but this is soo fucking cool!

same principle as 3-d glasses, but without the hardware. sort of like those magic-eye books from when we were kids. neat!


Ashley G said...

I can't do these things! It makes me sad.

alm said...

for reals? Can you cross your eyes? Same skill.

Ashley G said...

for a millisecond at best. Then my brain goes, "wtf are you doing?" and stops me

rubenssw said...

I can't do it either. I tried really really hard and all I got was a headache. I think I'm doin' it wrong.

alm said...

i'm sorry. i feel like i've dangled a carrot in front of you and failed to pay up. my bad.

wingsofadove said...

i join the ranks of the failures
i was never able to do magic eye. the best was everyone in my family , cousins, aunts, everyone loved them, and for a long time,we got the magic eyes for presents, for everything. i always re- gifted mine.

alm said...

Wow. That officially makes me the freak. Perhaps all the time I spent crossing my eyes as a child has loosened my ocular muscles.

rubenssw said...

The thing is, I can cross my eyes. I can even move one eye and not the other. It's this finger stuff that gets the best of me.

alm said...

The finger isn't completely necessary. It's a matter of crossing your eyes until the pictures merge into one picture in the middle. But um...don't keep trying and hurt yourself or anything.

rubenssw said...

I tried it again. I got to the point where it looked like my cursor was popping out of the screen, but that was the closest I got. Me = FAIL.

alm said...

Well, persistence certainly counts for something. So. ::pats on back::