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Friday, May 1, 2009

Skeptic's Dictionary

It wouldn't surprise me if I were the last person here to find this, but I just came across it a few days ago. I didn't even know some of these ideas even existed. People were/are/will forever continue to be cuckoo. 


David Zwerdling said...

I have a friend out here who believes that the government is populated by aliens, and thus control earth. The endgame is that the aliens harvest us.

still not sure why anyone would want to harvest a species so stupid that it can't figure that out/believe in that sort of hogwash...

alm said...

I stumbled upon some literature on the internets one day, where I learned that people who are seriously into alien abductions/alien conspiracies, refer to aliens as "greys."

I was disturbed:
1. They've developed their own jargon.
2. They were throwing around this jargon without explanation, and I, as a reader, was expected to already know wtf they were talking about.