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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why would anyone do such a thing?


I guess I'm a little curious. Maybe.


wingsofadove said...

i know! ive seen ads in movies. first i have had to explain frank the bunny to my sister, and there is no real way to do so other than seeing the movie.second,it really made me want to see the first ( and only in my opinion) again. then have a 4 hour discussion on the physics of time travel with dave you ash and amanda. it all made perfect sense to me, i didnt need a flow chart.;)

alm said...

This is the closest to sacrilege a person like me can get. I am nearly offended.

rubenssw said...

WTF? It takes a pretty ballsy prick to come up with something like this. Amanda pretty much verbalized my exact thoughts.

One of my fondest memories is from high school when I stayed for several hours after school to discuss this movie with my math teacher. We covered the chalkboard with illustrations, charts, diagrams, and caricatures of Frank. We even managed to make it through this website, which is pretty kickass: http://www.donniedarkofilm.com/

Also, I once saw a guy that had the numbers Donnie has on his arm to countdown the end of the world tattooed on his arm. Fucking SWEEET.

David Zwerdling said...

im getting it. mostly out of curiousity than thinking it will be worthwhile, but...

David Zwerdling said...

I watched it. Basically, it's the most emo movie evar. The time travel element is sooooooooo pointless. But nonetheless:
Do you enjoy...
...watching people stare off into space?
...watching people move normally but to really dramatic music?
...minimal plot and/or character development?
...minimal plot resolution?
...extravagant plot twists that result in pretty much nothing?
...small towns in the desert?

The best part of this movie, even though it shouldn't have worked this way at all, was that after the tangent universe gets destroyed, the movie really only covers about 10 minutes of film.