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Friday, August 29, 2008

Blogs, Comments, and the lack of faith in humanity

Now as this it endeavor itself is a blog, this is a tad hypocritical. Maybe since most of "our" comments are meant in jest or corrallation, it might not be as bad. But I find that the more comments i read on blogs or posts, especially targeted at "Middle America" I find my trust in the better nature of humans falling in each in every post. maybe its the painful realization, that now that I'm out side of the collegiate, academic and traditionally socalily liberal environment, I don't understand those who are convinced anyone who is not, 1) Christian, 2) Republican, 3) Pro- life, and 4) Creationist is insane and not worth being human. Maybe it's just Cincinnati, or Ohio, or the Midwest, but this is not the environment I can see myself growing into a valued member of society.
If you ever feel like testing this theory, that If one reads comments, ip so facto, one becomes disgusted with humans. Let's test it any day on let's say the reputable newspaper of the Cincinnati Enquirer. This is but one example, but any article from as mundane as announcements are fraught with what I consider reasons to leave and emigrate to Britain or Germany. I might do that anyway.


David Zwerdling said...

We should start a Communist Revolution (Huzzah and Yee Haw seem apropriate here) to ban religion. Period. My personal favorite model appears to be Turkey where they're banning the visible display of religious items (there's a current controversy about a female university student wearing an Islamic headscarf that's ongoing for the moment.)

Crazy stuff, this world, huh? I guess some people are just born (so to speak) with their beliefs. Driving through Indiana to Chicago was some pretty crazy stuff too. "It's a baby, not a choice" "Repent or burn" etc. I was happy the other day - I saw a billboard that said, essentially, "If you have an wanted child, call us and we'll take care of it." Which I guess is the first time that general population has decided that "Hey maybe we should grow some fucking testicles and actually own up to the shit we say."

Steph - anything similar to this in the Middle Ages setting? Seems like we might be falling into a Malthusian Trap of sorts - not the least like a movie featuring a friendly pimp named "Upgrayedd (two d's for a double dosage of pimpin')."

Bah, period placement on that last sentence was too much of a blur. im going to sleep.

alm said...

Stephanie: the anti-knowledge morons you named are very vocal. They are vocal because they subscribe to the idea that if you scream something loudly, over and over again, it makes it true. (It really only works if you're Gandalf.)

The other night I was watching Free Speech TV (a particularly awesome channel we get now we have satellite) and there was a documentary of sorts about freethought and the history of free thinkers and atheism. And a guy they interviewed mentioned that we aren't there yet, but hopefully we will one day reach the point of post-theism. Theism and atheism won't really matter, and people will look back and talk about how we used to have these silly discussions about whether or not God exists, and isn't that quaint? and we'll sort of be past it. If there's any particular future I think we should shoot for, that's definitely part of it.

Anyway, back to what you were actually talking about. I find myself reading articles and blog posts alone and staying the hell away from the comments. They're just idiots lashing out in their impotent rage against truth and knowledge and science and all those other evil, heretical, liberal, pinko commie ideas.