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Sunday, October 26, 2008

I dreamed I had woken up without the ability to control my eyes. I couldn't move them to look at what I wanted to see, and I couldn't focus them. It effectively rendered me blind. It was terrifying.


rubenssw said...

Have you read or seen or heard about "Blindness"? It's a book by José Saramago that recently became a movie . . .

It's about an epidemic of "white blindness" that strikes the world and how society changes and attempts to adapt to the situation. It's rather terrifying. Kinda like your dream.

wingsofadove said...

i had a dream last night where i was speaking french to my strictest art hist prof, getty. only the only thing i could remember was "to win"

alm said...

I think I heard about the movie...but perhaps I should look into it.