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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lonely Days

So today was long. I ended the day at 7:30 because of a goddamned weekly status meeting. I've been sick lately and in the meeting it felt like the whole room was turning into a boiler. Started to freak out midway through, pretty sure I had a mini panic attack. Got a call from a friend that we were all gunna hang out at 8, but that he needed a ride. Told him I wouldn't be back until 8:30. 8:15 rolls around and I realize I'm not going to be able to provide. I HATE going back on plans. I know I know. I make plans sometimes thinking I'll be able to do things that I obviously can't. Anyways...

Stomach is in knots. Parents are out of town and when I came home all I had was Max.

I hate being alone. I'll be getting a place downtown soon. Anyone who can look for a job in Sac should start looking now. I'll post the actual address when it's official. But, I can definitely support people for a while while they look...



rubenssw said...

I vote that you just move back to Ohio . . .

alm said...

I'll second that?

Fur reals, though, if I don't get into grad school, I'ma come live on your couch in fall of 2009. Just so you know...

wingsofadove said...

i say you take max with you when you get a new place
this way, hes away from the skunks
anddddd hes there till we all crash to visit:)