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Monday, October 27, 2008

riled up again!

so i had posted my own personal defense of marriage, of anyone a few days ago right?
so my thoughts are still the same and pretty fresh.
this is when my sisters friend stops by for resume help. mind you he spent all 3 hours playing on her macbook, bashing macs, and not actually fixing or making a resume
he then decided to , make himself further known as richard the dick. he decides hes going to "have a conversation about abortion" " let's talk about politics" meanwhile he spouts very vehemently that hes for obama, but cant vote for a black man, nor does he support pro choice anything, nor should gays marry or adopt, or have "natural" children. (did i mention he was a member of the cicny police force? no? and no one ever thinks cops are biased or racists.....)
and he wants my opinon on these issues, knowing i know a lot about these issues from a historical factor, also, he knows, or my sis has told him im a crazy liberal. i do not in fact consider myself as such. im not liberal about anything but equal rights really.
so my response, i gape at him, tell him to read guns germs and steel, then show him how to reserve a request and hold at the library
also i wont burn him cds.
im pretty sure he thinks im an evil cold hearted bitch. i hope so, maybe then he will stop provoking me and let me be. or better yet not loiter in my house for 4 hours bithcing he dosent want to work anything that involve actual skill or brain power, and payes better than 30 bucks an hour.......... i went to my room, shut the door, put on head phones, grabbed my book and retreated to my happy place, where vampires and werewolves are in love with the same girl...

1 comment:

rubenssw said...

Well played, sir.

I hate ignorant assholes. Especially when they purposefully try to piss you off.