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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ideas for the blog

Hey all,
So this thing has been around for a little bit, and aside from the little hiccup with the ads, I think it's been going relatively well.


At any rate, I've been messing around with the layout and the various sidebars. Today I added the RSS stuff at the bottom and the post history on the right. check it out.

One other idea that I had that maybe some people could provide some input on is whether or not we should get a full domain for this thing. It's $10 a year, and familylearningchannel.com is open. $10 isn't too much to really put a damper on the plans, but I thought I'd get some input from you guys before I did it anyways.

If we did that though, maybe we could try the ads again. I think the sex-based ones were primarily because of the semi-sex-based nature of the blog itself.

Lastly, and certainly not leastly, I really would like to hear from you guys if there's anything you want for this thing. Seriously.


rubenssw said...

What would a full domain provide for us that Blogspot doesn't?

David Zwerdling said...

It would of course, provide a full domain. Which is to say, having a full domain would give us a full domain. I can explain it in more detail if you want, but suffice it to say, it would do no less than provide us with a full domain.

full domain

rubenssw said...

You mean . . . full domain?

But I thought you said full domain. You need to be more concise.

alm said...

full domain = domain...TO THE MAXX!!!?

I have no preference.

David Zwerdling said...

Redundancy is the unnecessary use of either needless, tautological, pleonastic or superfluous text, by which one repeats, in duplication, the same, identical, aforesaid things over and over and over and over again, beyond what would be needed or required to explain, or make comprehensible, the intended or signified meaning of that which one wishes to convey. These things can be referred to as being Redundant. Customarily, it is usually common in redundancy to repeat, sometimes with different phrasing or words, the same idea or reasoning, thus restating one's thoughts, sometimes paraphrasing oneself and effectively saying the same thing twice, or double, or thrice (three times; triply so), or any number of excessive, unnecessary restatements greater than zero.

alm said...

I love you, Dave.