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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Please don't call me names before my morning coffee.

Story Time:

I'm at work about 15 minutes early, before we open and when I get there first, (one of) my boss(es) usually says something benign like "Good Morning" before sitting down across from me. This is how today went...

him: "Important day, huh?"
me: "Oh, because of inauguration?"
him: *hmphf* "Yeah, my wallet feels lighter already."

note: this is where I should have stopped talking, obviously

me: "You're a republican then, I take it?"
him: "Yeah. And I can feel my wallet tightening already. This is a terrible day."
me: "Oh, well I can feel my liberties slowly returning, so I'm okay."
him: *stunned/angry look* "Well you people should know this socialism thing isn't going to work."
me: erm. "Yes, I know socialism won't work in this country the way it is?"

So is the moral of the story that I'm a socialist because I'm excited about the 'decrowning' of Bush? I'm a socialist because I'm looking forward to the reversing/revising of decisions that have been made in the last 8 years in efforts to overthrow Roe v. Wade, reallocate monies earmarked for inner city schools because they refuse to teach absidence only or the "theory of creationism," or to repeatedly to remove endangered animals from the endangered species list like the gray wolf (4 times!)? Not to mention the war, the environment, the economy, immigration, and countless other 'unimportant' things.

I guess as long as you're rich and can stay rich those things don't matter?

I only ask so I am up-to-date on what to label myself as these days. Socialism here I come.

End rant.


alm said...

naw, the democrats are gonna take away all our money. and then we won't be able to afford houses, or college, or...wait a tick! the economy's already shot to hell, you say?

i guess you boss makes more than 250K...or, shockingly, has no idea what he's talking about.

rubenssw said...

My neighbor basically called me a communist heathen yesterday.

I guess that's what I get for telling him that having the middle name "Hussein" doesn't automatically make someone a terrorist.

wingsofadove said...

was this in the chickencoop? or in your actual house?

rubenssw said...

The chickens don't talk to me. I'm like the creepy goth girl to them. Also, I don't own Ugg boots or roll my sweatpants down so my thong is showing, so I'm shunned. Somehow I manage to hold my head high.

It was my dickhead neighbor up the street.

David Zwerdling said...

you guys are fucking weird

alm said...

does chickencoop mean...some sort of place with a lot of...miami girls?


rubenssw said...

Last year (and perhaps in years before) during Rush, Steph and Dave compared the sound of the girls chatting in the sorority suites to birds and chickens. Because it really does sound like a shit ton of caged birds when you walk by. Over time, the sorority halls were dubbed "chicken coops."

I am fortunate enough to live in one this year.

Did you sense the sarcasm in that last statement?

Also, good use of context clues. I think it was "thong" that gave it away.

alm said...

A throng of thongs.