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Friday, August 8, 2008

A Silly Story (Or Two)

I was listening to NPR on the way to work, and they run a little program called Story Corp. every once in a while. If you're not familiar with the segment, it's basically a 3 minute break where the station plays a previously recorded story told by someone about an event in their life. The stories are often told by older people, so I love listening to them talk about "when they were younger". The story today was pretty funny, and the one a few days ago was very sweet, so I thought I'd share them both.

A woman (who is now in her 80s) had such a flat chest when she was a young woman that her mother bought her an inflatable bra to wear, for fear that she could never get a boyfriend (but imagine the surprise of the guy who got to second base . . .). She wore the bra at her mother's demand, and when she took a trip by plane, the bra popped. Everyone thought it was a bomb, and the crew made an emergency landing to strip-search the girl. The popped bra was found, and the embarrassment has since subsided into hilarity.

A husband and wife (93 and 87, respectively) met while he was working at her family's hotel for a summer. He reminisced about the "juicy bits" of their courtship, which included holding hands and their first kiss. They would watch the sunset every night, and have ice cream and long walks in the evening when he got off work. They shared a wonderful summer together, and, after a few months, he asked her to marry him. She said yes, and they both thought they were keeping a secret, only to find that everyone at the hotel already knew. They've been married for 65 years.

1 comment:

wingsofadove said...

i love npr, and i havent been listening for years( bad stephy) but i do love the little things they find and make important
this made me happy